Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Pizza Night

Ok, everyone contain your excitement, but we ate "The Pizza" tonight for dinner. It was actually quite good. Then again all things are relative and what is quite good right now will probably taste like sh*t after we've been home for a few days. Amy says, anyone who is challenged in the kitchen should invite us to dinner within the first couple days we are home. We'll think you're the best chef on the planet. Even crappy frozen pizza is like a gourmet meal right now. Tomorrow we will be visiting the M1 store again to buy every single frozen pizza they have, even if they've been sitting in their cooler since 1995.

Anyway, other than the pizza excitement today was a pretty low-key day. It was WAY below zero so there was no way we were taking our shorts-wearin' butts outside today.

We just kind of hung out, Megan had a rough day. She slept great last night, 11+ hours without hardly a peep. She barely napped today though. She's in bed right now and has been sleeping for an hour. That's the best nap today.

Still no word on our return dates to the States. Maybe we will hear something tomorrow.

Well, here are today's pictures:

Our frozen pizza and what can be better than drinking beer out of a tea cup?

Passing the time playing cards


At Tuesday, January 10, 2006 10:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok guys... we need to cook you a great meal when you return. Jenn invited us to make a trip up to Buffalo after you get back... so maybe I will tell my Mark to check out his recipes and think of something special for you guys? Are you game? (he's a really good cook!) I know Jenn would let him use her kitchen...

As far as the Pizza ... Hope you can find a few boxes to hold you over until the 15th! ;-) LOL!


At Tuesday, January 10, 2006 11:34:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...be careful about those Patriot comments! You've got some people here from MA and Amy, if I remember correctly, some short-term roots here too!! Ya gotta admit they're good.....Viv

At Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, Steve, and Megan
Well football is winding down, and we're thinking that we ought to have a super bowl party. Would you 3 like to come. By the way, did you see the Doug Flutie play in the last game of the regular season? Unbelievable.

I like the beer out of a tea cup, very stylish. Take care of yourselves; stay warm or cool as the case may be. Everyone is very anxious to see you.

Love Dad


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