Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Shishkabob Night!

Hi everyone,

Day 9 of visiting with Megan is down. We had another fun visit today, I think Megan is still trying to figure out who we are. She was giving out very few smiles today. She definitely recognizes us though. We jumped through more ridiculous hoops to try to get her to smile for us, Amy got one really good one. Anyway, we think she will continue to open up more and more as time goes on. Just as a note on our schedule, we need to continue to visit for another 5 days for a total of 14. That will be next Sunday, Christmas Day, after that we will submit our paperwork to the court petitioning to adopt Megan. They will then give us a court date which we think will be Friday, Dec 30th. If the court decides to grant the adoption we will leave court, go change our clothes and go pick up our new daughter from the baby hospital and bring her back to the apartment.

Anyway, after we left the hospital we went to lunch, we just had soup and a piva(beer) today. We are all getting together to go out for shishkabobs for dinner again tonight. The same place we went to a few days ago. We also went to the Green Market which is part of a huge Bazaar, kind of a flea market but they sell new items not used stuff like you think of at a flea market. We picked up a few groceries at the Market. Teresa, another woman here with us from Florida got yelled at for snapping pictures of people in the Market, she was told you can't take pictures of people if you aren't going to buy anything from them! If anyone would like a pig's head or two we can buy you some to bring home with us. I have NO idea what in the world you would do with these things, I guess people cook and eat them in some fashion. They were literally pig's heads, freshly decapitated laying on the tables to be purchased, eyeballs, ears, snouts, the whole DAMN thing!! I may need to switch my pork shishkabob order to chicken tonight, I'm not sure I'll be able to stomach pork for a while. Another interesting thing is buying eggs, first off, they don't sell them by the dozen, they sell them by 10s. Then you tell them how many you would like and they put them in a plastic bag and hand you the bag. Put it this way, we bought 10 and only 8 made it home, then again, Amy really only wanted 8 anyway, so I guess it worked out. Another thing about the meat here, it is just laying out on tables, not refrigerated, not covered with anything. Then again it was fairly cold in the market so refrigeration probably isn't a big deal.

We've been getting a lot of email questions about our jet lag, we seem to be getting into a better sleeping pattern. We typically take a little nap in the late afternoon so we can stay awake until 10:30-11:00PM and we're able to sleep pretty much through the night. I've been able to get 7 hours straight for the last couple of days, I think Amy is getting 6 hours or so straight. I think we'll be into a good sleeping rhythm by the end of this week.

Anyway, here are a few more pics:

Megan with Mom and Dad

Megan looking very serious.

Megan banging on her mirror.

The Hospital where Megan has lived since she was about 2 months old, her room is one of the windows you can see on the second floor. It's either the second or third one from the left, we aren't exactly sure.


At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 7:10:00 AM, Blogger Cindy said...

She is just so beautiful. What a great family photo.

At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 1:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy - Don't you want to bring in a pig's head for the office to share when you return???? Amy I.

At Tuesday, December 20, 2005 4:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear megan aka bugger (i'll be calling you this name for awhile since your parents didn't name you stella) anyway welcome to the family all i can say is you have one unique family tree. now about your parents, you can not beleive how happy you made those two old folks, so your off to a good start. i have it on good authority that your dad is a real softy, one smile and he'''s wraped around your finger. something to consider for the future, its not uncommen to ask for a car for your 16th birthday, here in the good old U.S.A.anyway like it or not your going to be a bills fan. i'm sure of that. well i gotta go or your aunt candy aka stella will make me cook dinner. i'll be writing agian soon to bestow upon you more of my wisdom, keep smiling and give your folks a big sloopy bugger kiss i know they won't mind. Luv Uncle Tom

At Thursday, December 29, 2005 10:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amy and Steve - congratulations! I just read the official announcement and I am so emotional right now! Thanks for sharing this journey. We are SO happy for you guys! What great and funny parents you will be. Keep that sense of humor . . . you will need it for the teen years. Lori E.


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