Friday, February 24, 2006


Megan is mastering the art of climbing stairs!! Yikes! Our family room is down two stairs from the kitchen and today I looked over at Megan and she was on the top stair. We are in trouble now! She continues to be a good girl. Sleeping from 8:00 PM ish to 7:30 AM ish. With three short naps during the day. Good enough for me. Hopefully spring will come soon so we can venture out for some walks soon. We go back to the Pediatrician on Thursday for shots. She won't be happy that day. That's it for now!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Updates from home

Today Megan and I went to the mall. This was Megan's first trip to the mall. Quite overwelming I'm sure for a 9 month old. I am not much of a shopper and it is way too overwelming to me too. She is very interested in looking at everything anytime we go out. It's amazing how people always stop to talk to Megan. Everyone thinks she is beautiful - we agree of course.

We are now at home now watching the Olympics - Men's Hockey - USA vs Kazakhstan. USA is beating Kaz 3-0 right now. Maybe Megan recognizes some old friends from home.

Megan has decided today that she is a bear and is growling non-stop right now. Perhaps she is attempting to talk to her new best friend, Pooh Bear. The bear is about the same size as Megan and she loves him. The best $6.99 I spent so far for a stuffed animal.

This week we completed a battery of tests (blood, urine and stool). Not fun. Soon the immunization shots will begin. It is amazing that she still loves me after all the tests I have taken her for.

That is all for now. I'm going to try to post once a week if anyone is still out there following our journal.

Paka-Paka (bye)

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hi from Megan!

Hi this is Megan posting! Thank you all for following along on my excellent journey to America. I love it here! I especially love my parents and I really love my dog, Max. He is not so sure about me yet though! This morning I went to the Doctor. Mommy and Daddy had to drag me out of my crib for my early morning appointment - Yuck. I was brave and did fine. The Doctor said that I weigh 15 1/2 lbs! I need to get some blood tests done and get some shots in the near future. I hope I don't cry too much! Here are some pictures that my Mommy has taken of me lately.