Friday, September 30, 2005

How do you spell torture?

So the video gets delivered to my office this morning. Since I can't watch it without Steve it sits on my desk ALL DAY long. I count the hours until I can go home. TGIF!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Lisa calls to say that she has a referral for us to consider. Yeah - finally! We receive a medical history and that is it. No pictures. Video will be delivered soon. Patience........

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Changes are occuring in Kaz. Due to these changes WPA has informed us that we need to gather more papers. We now need to get new medical forms filled out, get our bank to write a letter stating that we pay our mortgage on time and for the third time get fingerprinted. How many times does a person need to be fingerprinted???? The overall feeling at this time is frustrated. We will continue with the paper chase as this gets us one step closer to our goal of our little girl. Flexibility and patience is KEY during this adoption process.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Baby Shower!

Today was my baby shower. I was great to see so many friends and family. Special thanks to my out of town friends who flew in to attend. We had a great time and the baby received many great gifts. Steve had a fun time assembling all the toys and gadgets. Now we have to decide where to put everything. Thanks to my family who planned the shower and also to the games committee who keep us laughing and entertained.